Friday, December 11, 2009

T-minus 5 days.

:] yay yay yay! 2 finals to go!
Parents are coming up tonight to go to a concert with a bunch of our family friends. I'm getting picked up at like 5:30 and we're going to eat at an amazing Thai restaurant downtown by Seattle Center...mmm! In order to prepare for such an experience, I'm eating absolutely nothing today so I'm starving by the time dinner hits and I enjoy it even more! Love love love! Also, gotta love jazzy Christmas music :] I've heard that Jesse's jazz band is one of the best in the nation so I am excited to hear them!
Gotta study a bit more this afternoon - and also when I get back from downtown tonight.
Went and turned in my applications at all of the U-Village places I am applying yesterday. Jamie (the adorable gay host/manager) from Sonrisa gave me great hope of getting hired! Yippeee! So, we'll see what happens. I'm still going in on Monday to Morton's Steakhouse downtown because they seemed mildly interested - even though they're supposedly not hiring - when I talked to the manager on the telephone. When I'm down there I might as well do a bit of Christmas shopping. I only know what I'm getting for Ryan, and I have NO idea what to do for Mom & Dad. Agh! I guess it's good I have 10 days once I get home...

In other news, the drama has mellowed here :] Thank God! I've been laying low and taking it easy for the past few days.

(Side note: Finals week + craving chocolate + major study sessions = fat thighs, ickkk)

ALSO, I am so excited to go see White Christmas on Wednesday after my Psych final with Mom. That should be fantastically fun! :]

And! Gerry had a dream that we entered the "11th-Annual Lingerie Ice Cream Making Contest" Best dream ever.