Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Some days...

Some days I wake up and wonder what the hell I was thinking. This was one of those mornings.

I may have ruined so many things in my life. Specifically the trust of my parents.

I would go back and change numerous things from the past few hours - yet at the same time - it was great. So many conflicting emotions.



VultureToast said...

about this time last year i threw a party while my parents were in florida and they found out and the twinkies hit the fan.


from that we actually grew to understand each other a little more, i learned a lot about what i want in life and what i have to do to get it, and i especially learned how cool my parents are. and now we're closer than we've ever been in my whole life.
so i wouldn't worry too much about it, it doesn't take long to earn back the trust and respect your parents have for you. you're their daughter, so you get special circumstances.
plus you're megan friggin albert, and who could stay mad at you :]

Megan Albert said...

aw, evan :] this made me smile - even though i read it 3 days later.
thank youuuu.