Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Things I'm thankful & grateful for:
  1. My best friends, no matter if they're near or far in distance
  2. Post-it notes with thoughtful messages
  3. The opportunity to go to the University of Washington and receive a great education
  4. Family
  5. Being able to watch NBA, NFL & NCAA on television because I can never be there in person
  6. Having roommates that are insomniacs
  7. Getting to talk to my big sister while she is in Montana
  8. "Good morning" and "good night" text messages
  9. New adventures and opportunities arising with a friend-of-a-friend, an amazing musician
  10. Going home to see you
  11. Good music
  12. Digital cameras to document nights that you can't remember
  13. Having a best friend who works at 5th Avenue Theater in Seattle
  14. Hair straighteners
  15. Free "extra shots" during finals week at all the campus coffee shops
  16. Witnessing my best friend fall in love
  17. Skype - so that I can see my roomies over break
  18. The fact that...finals are over!!!!!!

This list is brief, and there are certainly things I am forgetting...but sometimes it's just good to be thankful!


Kayla Down said...

Can we just say I love your list, and especially number sixteen. You are amazing, and I cannot wait to see you! :)