I feel like I haven't blogged in ages; however, it's been only 3 days. I never thought I'd get addicted to something like writing on a "stupid" internet site, yet here I am. It's 12am and instead of finishing my draft for English, I'm writing here. And let me tell you, the process is much easier.
Lately it seems like everything in my life is up-in-the-air. I don't really know what I want anymore, and the concept of "not knowing" is quite bothersome to me.

I'm getting to the point (even though I know I still have time) that I just want to get it over with and KNOW (like 100% sure know) what I want to do with the rest of my life. Because, shit, I've got a lot of living left in me.
I also had the realization tonight that the thing I want to do more than anything in life is travel - somehow I need to make a job out of that. There's a really cool internship through STA that would be so amazing to get. Sadly I think they're looking for people who've already traveled the world. Oh well! I can do that stuff on my own ;)
Okay, okay, enough procrastination for one evening! G'night blogger, I shall miss you.
I also had the realization tonight that the thing I want to do more than anything in life is travel - somehow I need to make a job out of that. There's a really cool internship through STA that would be so amazing to get. Sadly I think they're looking for people who've already traveled the world. Oh well! I can do that stuff on my own ;)
Okay, okay, enough procrastination for one evening! G'night blogger, I shall miss you.
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