So, Brian and I have been obsessed with watching Prison Break lately. I might be obsessed because Wentworth Miller is, um, amazing. But, it's a fantastic show regardless. Anyway, we were at the IMA the other day and saw this guy running the track with Scofield-esque tattoos. Definitely not as attractive, but it was funny.Friday night, Rachel and I went to SigEp's formal grab-a-date. Dinner, "South Pacific" and then a cocktail party. I absolutely loved "South Pacific" but I'm normally into stuff like that. One of the first songs, "Twin Soliloquies" started out with these lyrics:
Livin' on a hillside,
Lookin' on an ocean,
Beautiful and still.
Saturday was ESPN College Game Day at UW. How many times does a college student get a chance to be pretty much featured on ESPN. It was crazy awesome. Rachel and I woke up at SigEp around 5am and literally RAN to HecEd to meet up with Nick, Jason and Jake in line - then we cheered from about 7am to 9am. Then got to hang out in Harshmann court for, uh, 7 hours until they let us back into HecEd to film some cheers for marketing. The UCLA game didn't even start until 6pm, yet we were there 13 hours prior. It was the longest day of my life, but so fun. The Dawg Pack definitely sent off Quincy in an amazing way, and he played awesome in his last game at home.
Got home last night, did some homework, uploaded pictures, and crashed. I was exhausted from sleeping for less than 3 hours in 36 hours. Even after 11 hours of sleep and an energy drink, I'm still a bit sleepy today.
Off to do some more homework - yippeee. Peace & love.
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